Camille here, the director of MuseumEats. So much has happened since we last wrote.
First of all - check out the events page on our shiny new website!
Second - facebook and instagram, and scout magazine, oh my!
Third - MuseumEats is teaming up with outside facilitators and other enterprises to spread the love and network, in order to LEARN SO MUCH MORE and promote holism.
Fourth - I am taking a break from public workshops after our co-facilitated class on May 1st to audit the MuseumEats project from an intersectional feminist perspective. This is because I want to build allyship with the First Nations on whose territory this enterprise teaches and harvests, to make space for workshops that are accessible and inclusive. MuseumEats has always been about food security, so it's time to get serious about it.*
Last - Still bringing wild greens to restaurants that have been harvested regeneratively. I still don't meet deadlines or quotas because nature decides what I bring and when I bring it. Also still accepting private bookings for workshops. Email with inquiries.
The next step is figuring out whether to put MuseumEats on hiatus over the summer while I WWOOF/volunteer or if we should keep doing events until something comes to us to lead us elsewhere.
Thanks for keeping in touch - stay tuned for new events posted to our website and facebook pages.
Stay Wild,
*In our current economic system, I am realizing that the best way to affect change is either by refusing to economically participate, or to subvert the system from within. If I can operate an enterprise that simultaneously pays my bills while fighting the colonialist patriarchy then I think I am contributing in a meaningful way. If anyone has any feedback or ideas about this, please get in touch with me! I will share food, medicine, and homemade hooch with you... or teach your workshops... or make you laugh... if you catch me at the right time I might even have money to share with you.
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