Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Two Workshops and a Dinner

Hey Buds,

Our website is being spun by the electronic spiders and coming along real nice.

The season is warming up quickly and lovely green shoots and medicinal mushrooms are becoming available. The cool temperature and easily accessed greens make for great fermentations, and the change of season and influx of pollen is encouraging us to get natural medicine.

MuseumEats is responding with two workshops and a dinner.

1) Workshops!

February 21: Medicinal Mushrooms and Cottonwood Propolis: featuring take-home tinctures, decoctions, broth, and cleansing greens.
 9:30-5 $50

February 22: (FULL) (Industry Monday) MuseumEats Wildcrafting Workshop: "Infusions, Shrubs, and Wild Herbs." Registration is fully booked but email us to get on the waitlist. 
10-2 $50

2) Dinner!

February 15th 6:30-11pm
This is another Colab @ Latab. This time we are featuring naturally fermented wines (From Matt Sherlock of Lock & Worth and Sedimentary Wines) paired to the wild ferments on the collaborative menu between Kris Barnholden and Annabelle Choi. 

Dinner is ticketed, from 6:30-9:30, buy tickets here

Drinks and snacks available after 9:30 for walk-ins, come hang out with us!

3) The Future! 
We have lots and lots of special stuff planned for workshops and adventures. Please stay tuned and check our events page on the website. 

XO Cam